Selling Your Home For Higher Than Market Value

Selling your home for higher than market value sounds like a scam or a pipe dream, but we buy homes for higher than market value all the time, sometimes even for double the market value!

How can we do that? It requires one simple condition, which is that rather than paying one lump sum up front, we make payments over time.

Is that a good fit for you? Not necessarily. If you need cash up front in order to buy another home, or for some other purpose, then this would not work for you. But if you don’t need all your cash up front, and would like to lock in a high sales price, this could be a good option for you.

Want To See An Example?

Let’s say you own your home free and clear, and it’s current market value is $200,000.

We can actually buy your home for $400,000, double the market value!

Why would we pay such an outrageous price? It’s simple — as long as the monthly payment is low enough that we can rent out the property and make a positive cash flow, we are willing to pay that price!

Here are some example numbers:

  • Market Value: $200,000
  • Sale Price: $400,000
  • Interest Rate: 1%
  • Monthly Principal And Interest Payment To You: $500
  • Estimated Time To Close: 7 Days

Keep in mind that you would not be paid off anytime soon. (Possibly not in your lifetime.) But your sale price of $400,000 is locked in!

This is an extreme example, that wouldn’t make sense for everyone.

Here are a couple of other options that might apply to your situation:

If you would like to sell your home for higher than market value (or sell quickly for all cash), please call us at (480) 447-3577, or provide your info in the form below. We will get back to you right away to discuss your options and view your property.

Sell Your Home On Payments

Please submit your info below and we will contact you right away to get you an offer on your home.

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